Nanny Norquist Is Losing It
(But some, like Romney, still find ways to please him)

Are G.O.P. Senators out from under the thumb
Of their revenue hating, illogical Nanny?
He had his pledglings believing he'd need them
But some learned in time that his head's up his fanny.

Without tax increases to add to addenda
There'd be fewer addenda for someone to write.
Some idiots would be unemployed just like Romney
But who ever claimed any pledgling was bright.

Where would the money for health vouchers come from?
How could they afford to get the things printed?
What would the world do with a nation of sickies?
Has Nanny an answer? Has he ever hinted?

Refiners of ethanol could end up like Romney,
Living in relatives' unfinished basements.
Losing their mansions will be horribly painful,
But at least they'll please Grover. He loves lower rents.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Did Mitt Romney Live
       In His Son’s Unfinished Basement Last Year?'

To 'The high price of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge'
To 'Democrats Blast Romney Joke: 'I'm Also Unemployed''
To 'Grover Norquist Rebuked By GOP'
To 'Senate votes to end ethanol subsidies'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Pledge Verses'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Congressional Pledgling' Verses'
To 'Ryan's Vouchers End Medicare Verses'
To 'Unemployed Mitt "You're Fired" Romney Verses'
