Next Question, Please
(Catering to certain candidates)

"Next question, please". That last one's a toughie.
Herman Cain's only there to let them make him look good
By feeding him softies so he's not embarrassed,
Though he'd tackle their toughies if only he could.

Multiple choice are the kind he'd prefer
Ready made answers would help him a lot
And raise holy hell with his rival, Mitt Romney,
Who'd want to give all of the answers a shot.

How can we claim that Mitt's a flip-flopper
If, as expected, he agrees with them all?
Good thing he's got lots of expert advisors
Though who advised what he can't seem to recall.

Who advised Herman? He isn't saying,
Did they swear him to silence? Why won't he say?
Could he have possibly garbled their theories?
Is that why so many are saying, "No way!"?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Herman Cain is the Republican flavor of the month. '
To 'Herman Cain: “Don’t Blame the Big Banks... Blame Yourself” '
To 'Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign'
To 'Next Question, Please,' Herman Cain Verses'
To 'Unemployed by Mitt "You're Fired" Romney Verses'
