Obama's Gulf War –
For Jindal, Jackson and Blankenship

Please tell us there's no way that this can happen:
A tanker aground on a Jindal 'sand' berm
Sharp jagged rocks that puncture its innards –
Oil spewing out for the rest of his term.

How did the berm end up where Exxon found it?
Why wasn't it showing on anyone's maps?
Did Jindal's contractors somehow misplace it?
Did Jindal screw up again? Perhaps, perhaps…

Those berms were supposed to remain above water.
Not six feet under where Bobby's berm was.
What could have eaten the 'sand' berm's foundation?
Who knew for certain what Corexit does?

Animal? Vegetable? EPA knew all that.
Wasn't that what Lisa said she was told?
But mineral? That is another whole ballgame.
Does that mean Massey Coal may have struck gold?

Predictably not. Corexit's not fussy.
It did quite a number on the Governor's rocks.
But it also eats coal which does not augur well
For Blankenship's fortunes. There goes his Fort Knox.

Bob Carlson

To 'EPA's Jackson'
To 'Drilling rig heads back to BP well site after storm weakens'
To 'Hey EPA: How Are Those Dispersant Tests Going?'
To 'Dirty Coal'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'