Obama's Gulf War –
No Credit For Blackmailers
Is BP's check in the mail?

Would you buy a used car from a BP exec?
Those billions they promised? Do they plan to renege
If we won't allow them to continue to spill
With their Transocean buddies on a Transocean rig?

Why would they want to if Transocean's to blame?
Hasn't Transocean cost them billions of bucks?
If BP's to blame, why's Transocean willing
To lease once again to a bunch of dumb clucks?

Or are they such liars they don't plan to pay,
After going on record to promise they would
If we set no limit on how many they kill?
Can't anyone see that they're up to no good?

The oil they supply is a very small fraction
Of the oil we are wasting but think that we need.
What better way to begin cutting back
Than to make sure their profits are mere chickenfeed?

Call their bluff. We don't need them, their spills and their threats.
We'll pass more legislation that will settle their hash.
The blackmail they threaten should teach us a lesson:
Before they drill again, let's insist on hard cash.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'BP Says Limits on Drilling Imperil Oil Spill Payouts'
To 'Transocean Tries to Cut Future Oil-Spill Losses
       to $27 Million'

To 'BP Blackmailers'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'