Nobel-Obama or Nobel-Mr. Kim
(Which is at war?)

Should not Mr. Kim be getting Obama's Nobel?
Mr.Kim's kept the peace despite some ferocious threats.
Obama goes to war at the least provocation.
The more deserving awardee seems as clear as it gets.

And look, here's a new chance for Nobel-Obama
To get us into at least one more war.

What else could North Korea's dictator Kim
Have been so busy repeatedly lobbying for?

Could one of our military-industrial suppliers,
Lockheed, or Boeing, or mighty GE,
Have paid Mr Kim to raise a ruckus
To facilitate an Obaman defense shopping spree?

Will Asian-Americans, potentially Democrats,
Again be interned so they can't vote?
Is this Mr. Kim scare a Republican ploy?
One a Nobel-Obama should, but won't, sugarcoat?

Bob Carlson

To 'Obam Proposes Shifting Funds
     from Nuclear NonProliferation to Nuclear Weapons'

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To 'More of Obama's Evil Corporate Empire in Rhymed Verse'