Not On My Watch
(Confusion in Command and Control?)

Not on his watch! Is he wearing a sundial?
Did Bush lift his Rolex the day he fired Rummy?
Is Gates the Commander in Chief, or's Obama?
Are Gates and Obama no longer that chummy?

What a terrible time for Gates to turn stubborn.
Misurata's civilians will die thanks to that
And Anders Fogh Rasmussen's reluctance
To stop playing the role of career diplomat.

We know that Scott Walker has used Wackenhut
And that Chad and Qaddafi have long been in cahoots.
So would Gates's defection to Afghanistan
Let Obama can Blackwater and get back to boots?

But Cantor's convinced he's the one in control.
Does that mean Obama's options are at a low point?
Will he again have to count upon NATO,
Or will 'Rant' Paul end up running the joint?

Some worriers worry concerning the presence
Of al Qaeda co-opting the Libyan dream,
On the side of the rebels. But what if Qaddafi
Decides he and Osama make a much stronger team?

Could Misurata bother a liar like 'Rant'?
How could he have voted to somehow intervene?
Must be a mixup on the part of the Senate.
Didn't Rant's Pa say he could vote sight unseen?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Libya: claims of rape, murder and kidnap as vengeful
       Gaddafi troops renew assault on rebel-held Misrata '

To 'U.S. Military Not Happy Over Libya'
To 'These are the guys that Scott Walker
       wants to keep UWM students safe'

To 'Eric Cantor Is "An Unpardonable Embarrassment"'
To 'Rand Paul's lies on tape'
To 'Rant Paul Rants'
To 'NATO's Fogh'
To 'Blackwater Mercenaries'
To 'Congress's Nutjobs'
To 'Libya's Qaddafi'
To 'Nostrobama: The Dawdler'
