Obama's Gulf War –
Obama's Lubchenco
His official lowballer

The Lubchenco game plan? Regulate ineffectively.
Only see what someone wants you to see.
Crablegs with only a trace of dispersant?
Another Lubchenco seafood delicacy.

But, no! Lisa Jackson says she ls responsible.
Says her taster testers will give crabs the all clear.
But Florida's crabbingfolk were getting restless,
And who but Lubchenco would play it by ear?

Jane's been Obama's official lowballer.
One thousand gallons a day at rhe start!!!
Deepwater plumes of oil never existed!!!
Lubchenco has lowballing down to an art.

Charlie Crist urges visitors to come on down,
But he won't say a word about sucking your thumb.
You're not s'posed to know swimmers' thunbs can get greasy,
But the tinyest lick? You'll forget yum yum yum.

Bob Carlson

To "Fishing ban off Florida Panhandle lifted'
To "Next worry is health of cleanup workers'
To 'The Vineyard's Jane Lubchenco' verse
To 'Hey EPA: How Are Those Dispersant Tests Going?'
To 'EPA's Lisa Jackson'
To 'Lubchenco: All clear'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'