Obama's Short Term
(Following Sarah Palin's bad example)

Will Barack pull a Palin and simply opt out?
Is he thinking of quitting? How much is enough?
Has he quit already and kept it a secret?
Does Wiki have proof of Mitch calling his bluff?

First it's the Blue Dogs and then New Democrats,
Followed by Mitch "Just-Say-No" and his threats
To increase the deficit by not taxing the rich…
Now Vegas has stopped taking second term bets.

Bush, Ford and Carter were not re-elected
When unemployment topped seven percent.
With Republicans pushing it up over nine,
Why feign surprise that Barack up and went?

It's not like there's a law againt his own TV show,
Say week-end talkathons on MSNBC,
Replacing their so-called reality cop shows.
He'll prob'ly be happy to do it for free.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'All the President’s Captors'
To 'A Democratic Primary Challenge
       To Obama's Reelection'

To 'Obama Needs Wake-Up Call On Jobs Before 2012'
To 'Stop Playing Nice, Mr. President'
To 'Blue Dog Democrats'
To 'The New Democrat Coalition'
To 'Short Term Obama'
To 'Mitch Just Say No'
