Obama Has
Comparing Little Johnny McCain to Obama
while singing Kander & Ebb's "And All That Jazz" from the musical Chicago
(Come on, babe, why don't we paint the town, and all that jazz?)

Come on, John,
You've no withdrawal plan,
But Obama has.
Scuttle your excuse for drilling in Iran
As Obama has.
Bushie's got
His Johnny on the spot,
Tootsies to the fire and the fire is hot.
But we see no evidence that Little Johnny's got
What Obama has.

We thought you
Had seen enough abuse.
As Obama has.
Denounce the terror tactics that you Bushies use
Like Obama has.
Get rid of those extremists you still kiss and hug.
Return their contributions from underneath your rug
You sure don't come across as an honest boss
As Obama has.

Face it, John,
You'll never get the votes
That Obama has.
Some attribute that to how you sowed your oats,
As your mother has.
Adultery with Cindy? There was no doubt about it!
Adultery with Vicki? How many of us doubt it?
You have not been seen as being squeaky clean
The way Obama has.

Music by John Kander
Original Lyric by Fed Ebb
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'
To 'Obama's Voting Ploys'