Oh, No! Not Mary Jo!
(The Big Bank Lobbyist in the SEC?)

Obama is showing his continued indebtedness
To advocates of "Bank-Regulation-Lite",
Casting his lot with Wall Street's buccaneers
With his appointment of Mary Jo White.

Mary Jo White, the fox guarding which chickens?
Who is Obama trying to kid?
First Summers and Geithner, and then his Bad Penny.
Now Mary Jo White? How much did they bid?

To Eric Holder he added Bad Penny Pritzker.
One won't convict. The second protects.
No way will Dimon or John Mack be going to jail,
And now Mary Jo and Bernanke can be writing them checks,

Foxes guarding the hen house? An apt analogy
Not only will they be refunding their fines,
She'll be showing them new ways of staging bank meltdowns.
By two thousand sixteen a whole retinue of new monkeyshines.

That's assuming their hornets' nest hasn't blown up
That the financial world has stayed somewhat intact
With Big Bankers' lobbyists replacing bank regulators,
Entertaining stockholders with a high wire act.

Mary Jo and Bad Penny are the prime examples.
No way will the bankers' revolving door stop.
Lobbyist to regulator, then back again.
With an occasional bank buccaneer explosive pop.

Bob Carlson

To 'Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC
     Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House'

To 'Justice Department's New Get-Tough Policy Is, Well, Not'
To 'Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?'
To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians in Rhymed Verse'