Oh, What It Means To Me
McCain invites Obama to join him in Iraq
singing to the song "Oh! What It Seemed To Be"
(It was just a neighborhood dance, that's all that it was, but oh…)

Just a lightning flight to Iraq
To see how it was
Before Petraeus victory –
A guarded Green Zone affair
With generals there
While David's safe back home in Miami –

They would let me pilot the plane,
Give Beirut a buzz –
You know how much that means to me.
We could thumb my nose at Hamas,
Forgetting who was
In favor of more repartee.

To prove they've missed you,
And as a sop to Hillary,
They will black list you,
And demonstrate how they would vote for me.

I would love to shoot a few hoops
If only I was
As agile as I used to be.
And will hate to have to say "Oops",
Though that's what one does,
When sniper fire makes history.

Music & Original Lyric by George David Weiss,
Benny Benjamin & Frankie Carle
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'