Oil Shills
Bushie and little Johnny McCain displaying their devotion for oil
while singing to Irving Berlin's "A Couple of Swells"
(We're a couple of swells; we dine at the best hotels.

We're shills for the oil cartels
And for wars to acquire more wells,
Though as soon as we consecrate them all,
It's back to our padded cells.

They're right, we're against aborts,
And it's not 'cause we're out of sorts;
But if you dare to mess around with us,
We'll do away with your courts.

Pat Robertson and Exxon pay our bills.
We've convinced them we've the balls to cure their ills.

So to hell with our revenue,
Exxon taxes are on ice.
For if we reduce their revenue
They will jack up our gas price.
We'd prefer to give them rebates
But the voters say, "No dice!"
So we'll steal Iraqi revenue,
Yes, we'll steal their oil revenue,
Pat says stealing from a Muslim's not a vice.

Music & Original Lyric by Irving Berlin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'