Only An Act of God…

(Or a slump in real estate values)

Only an act of God could prevent
The kind of Mittspeaking that Mitt will invent
To save a nation of mothers from Limbaugh's damnation
And Hypocrite Mitt's monetary advantage.

In a few more campaigns he'll be able to play
A few fewer "away games" and not worry that they,
Whoever they are, have any homefield advantage.

Each year he will purchase several more vacation homes
In states with big cities and where the buffalo roams.
He'll blanket the nation to gain homefield advantage.

Will more of us like him, if we're still round?
Or will God tire of his trying but still not being crowned,
With his seemingly unfair homefield advantage?

Bob Carlson

To 'Dogging Mitt Romney By GAIL COLLINS
To 'Romney campaign says losing nomination would take 'act of God''
To 'G.O.P. Greek Tragedy' By MAUREEN DOWD
To 'Scalia's Screwups'
To 'How Corrupt Was Santorum?'
To 'Rick Santorum: The Blue-Collar One-Percenter'
To 'CREW'S Most Corrupt'
To Bill Moyers: Freedom of and From Religion
To Andrew Sullivan: How Obama
      Set a Contraception Trap for the Right

To 'Tales From the Kitchen Table' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Battle Behind the Fight' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Evolution of Birth Control'
To 'Hypocrite Mitt Romney Verses'