"Peeing On The Pee Party's Parade"

(Justin Phillips, Emcee of Pee)
(To be sung with Billie Holiday to the tune "Crazy He Calls Me")

He said he'd elect Romney –
Still dreams he'll elect Romney –
But on a technicality?
Crazy we call him,
That Justin Phillips,
The Pee Party's Emcee of Pee.

For if Phillips stops electors
From voting as electors,
He thinks the Congress crazies –
For sure we'd call them crazy –
Would opt for oops-a-daisy
As they cast their votes for Mitt Romney.

He trusts The Court won't say nohow –
Scalia would just smile –
So Justin's very busy peeing now
And sure they'll approve his style.

Could this happen? Ever?
Will this happen? Never!
If we tree the Emcee of Pee.
Crazy we call him!
Sure he's crazy,
Enough so he'd pee in the tree,
But voters could see what he'll pee on.

Bob Carlson

To 'Tea Party Nation Still Trying To Make Romney President'
To 'Is it game over for Grover Norquist?'
To 'Grover Norquist Sees the Fiscal Cliff and Guns It'
To 'US descending into fiscal farce'
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To 'Grover's Pledglings Verses'