Permission To Stuff It
(Charlie Blow defends right wing trash talkers)

The Graphics Director of The New York Times,
Charlie Blow, was selected to speak for the right.
And be token defender of conservative nutjobs,
Advising us which of them bark and which bite.

But not why Giffords instead of Bachmann was shot.
Or why Charlie, as spokesperson for the trash talker,
Doesn't believe her trash talking influenced
The choice of targets for a guy off his rocker.

Like he didn't find "armed and dangerous" inspiring
And a subliminal message to zap Mom and Dad?
So he just happened to choose to target a stranger
Who's part of the government Michele says is bad?

Charlie thinks that because so few read his column
No one could possibly buy the stuff Bachmann spouts,
But the fact that his target was someone on the left
Should answer almost anyone's remaining doubts.

In the unlikely event that The New York Times
Former Graphics Director becomes a household name,
What are the odds he'll inspire enough people
So that copycat nutjobs decide Charlie's fair game?

For if Charlie appears on O'Reilly with Bachmann
Several times, that might be more than enough
So all the left needs is a good taxidermist
With the New York Times owner's permission to stuff.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Connecting the Dots: Tucson, Violence, and Pundit Reality'
To 'Batty Bachmann'
To 'Arizona's Mayhem'
To 'Congressional Nutjobs'
To 'N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say'
