Philandering Federal Politicians
(How long before the data is classified?)

Philander or pander? Very few can do both.
Big Brother's recording every move that they make.
Phone companies, Sprint, AT&T and Verizon
Can make mimicking Gingrich a costly mistake.

Tracking their cell phones is what these companies do,
Ostensibly to determine how best to route calls.
But must they record wayward spouses' locations?
The boost this is giving divorce lawyers appalls.

These guys live in DC to sample young interns.
Why else would they leave wives and children behind?
Philandering scandals may often wreck marriages
But social conservatives don't usually mind.

Still who is most likely to propose legislation
To ban the transparency of records like these?
Do people who live in glass houses like stones?
Not if they deprive them of their honeybees.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'A decade of sex scandals'
To 'Mobile phone tracking'
To 'It’s Tracking Your Every Move and You May Not Even Know'
To 'Congressional Nutjobs'
To 'Just Plain Nutjobs'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Newt Gingrich's Sideshow Verses'
