Physician, Heal Thyself
(Dr. Andy Harris and the new Maryland Congressman's debacle)

For a modest donation they'll send you The Bracelet,
The "Don't Let Andy Harris Anesthetize Me!"
Rumors persist he's a Johns Hopkins moonlighter,
Attempting to get family health care for free.

So if he gets a phone call while in a procedure,
He quickly drops everything to take the call
Apparently hoping it's about COBRA insurance.
Without it? Why run for Congress at all?

Yet Dr. Harris is demanding to know
Why his new plan takes a month to kick in.
He's incredulous someone would dare to delay
Bennies he'd equated with original sin.

Sure, it's government subsidized like the Obamacare
He has so vehemently campaigned against.
But this is for him and his rather large family…
It's when health care's for others that he gets incensed.

Does Andy Harris have some prior condition,
A misguided impression that he's now a big cheese?
A recurrence of what seems to ail his profession:
Overly inflated egos and fees?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'GOP frosh: Where's my health care?'
To 'Devious Doctors'
