Obama's Gulf War –
Postcards From Florida
Did Mitch lift his blockade, temporarily?

Did Mitch lift his blockade, after hearing Obama,
Just long enough to let some tar balls roll through,
So Mother Jones could send postcards from Florida
In order to bug Lubchenco and Chu?

But don't show them to Browner. She'd be disillusioned.
Chu had assured her the tar balls were gone.
He gave her instructions on where not to look,
Trying to make sure her cred's not overdrawn.

Mitch had planned to wait till the end of October
For an Obama advisor pre-election surprise.
Now Mother Jones has spoiled everyone's timing.
Will Chu insist BP rehire skimmer guys?

What dirty tricks are up John Boehner's sleeve?
How much BP oil has Mitch commandeered?
Have they hidden the last piece of Chu's jigsaw puzzle?
Has his BOP for RW2 disappeared?

Should he worry BP's BOPs might fail again?
Must he let both relief wells share the same one,
So, if it works, they'll have shown their shareholders
That they've tried to avoid any cost overrun?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Found: BP's Missing Oil'
To 'Obama urges Republicans to 'drop the blockade' on jobs bill'
To 'Chu: The buck stops here'
To 'Czar, Carol Browner'
To 'NOAA's Jane Lubchenco'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'