Praise The Lord But Send Them The Money
(CEOs worry about their God-given rights)

I was barely awake watching CNBC
And getting great tips from Republican preachers.
One particular gem I think's worth repeating,
"Spoils always go to the loudest beseechers."

So I'm gonna make sure my employees all hear
These loudspeaker messages at least once an hour
As bona fide proof of who controls Congress.
It no longer is Grover who's wielding the power.

"Praise the Lord, if you must, but send me the money.
How else can we CEO types scrape along
With our leveraged buyouts and offshore tax havens?
The Lord doesn't want us to think we're in the wrong.

"So just Praise the Lord but send me the money.
Stop bellyaching and pay me my due.
Must our sons and daughters keep running for office?
They know we deserve to live better than you.

"Don't question the Lord. We already did.
He agrees we should be paid a lot more than you
And pay lower taxes. Our kids see to that,
So don't try to stop us! What the Hell can you do?

"Just thank the Lord for discovering me.
He prob'ly thought long and hard before rejecting you.
So OK, Praise the Lord but send me the money.
I hate waiting for refunds from you don't wanna know who."

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'With executive pay, rich pull away from rest of America'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Pledge Verses'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Congressional Pledgling Verses'
To 'Corporate Greed Verses'
