Recession Proof?
Lobbyists and incumbents

Is lobbying recession proof?
    How about Anthem Blue Cross dough
For buying sleazy politicians
    who'll go slow or just say "NO"?

How many Blue Cross bucks are wasted –
    year in, year out, not now and then?
Dough we paid so they'd insure us;
    not so they'd buy middlemen.

Why ever re-elect incumbents?
    Flood the town with lobbyists!
Why retain those senior sleazeballs
    and the culture that persists?

Draft them into public service:
    diplomatic jobs on Mars,
Or tenure in the Bush museum
    preserved in giant Mason jars.

Job opportunities are endless
    for senior pols whose butts have shrunk,
Who, though their heads no longer fit,
    are good at touting Wall Street's junk.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bottom-Kissing Lobbyists'
To 'Politicians for Sale'
To 'Private Health Insurers'
To 'Screw Bipartisanship'