Recruiting For Wall Street
Mrs. Jeremiah Aloysius Withington III works pro bono

"So you want to work on Wall Street?
    You want to make a million bucks?
First, you've got to have an attitude
    that really, truly sucks.

"And show that you're oblivious
    to how much you don't know,
To prove you're smarter than the rest
    and so deserve more dough.

"It helps if you don't get it
    and think TARP is yours to spend,
Nor mind that you're a laughing stock.
    Join the Jimmy Cramer trend.

"Though the world's ticked off at AIG –
    it's why my Jeremiah jumped,
Humiliated when he heard
    with whom his firm was being lumped –

"Become an AIG pariah
    and disregard threats on your life.
Why worry 'bout the danger
    to your children and your wife?

"Get a job at Merriill Lynch
    and work for idiots like Lewis,
Who'll pay himself one hundred mill
    and 'dare Timid Tim to sue us.'

"But if you're going to work on Wall Street
    wedded to a ticker tape,
Be sure you fall from high enough –
    Make those sidewalk cleaners scrape."

Bob Carlson

To 'AIG's Debacle'
To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'CNBC's Credibility Crises'
To 'Withington Verses'