Rick Perry Gets Worse
(By MovingOn from ALEC to Grover)

Why is Rick Perry being cited by Grover
As a model of what modern rulers should be?
Rick's mastered ways to not have to raise taxes,
So not many start bitching immediately.

Why should public officials like Perry be blamed
When voters are ripped off in ways they can't see
Until it's too late to do diddly about it
And they're screwed paying tolls on roads that once were free?

Enron's execs called it privatization
Where deals aren't made public to you or to me.
When Rick looks for profits to subsidize cronies
He sells off what's public for a nominal fee.

Rick's done that so welll he's antagonized Texans
As well as his Mexican minority,
That there's a chance he will MoveOn from ALEC
To sign Grover's pledge of complete loyalty.

Together they'll be giving Obama's replacement,
The two thousand twelve candidate, a run for his money
About selling Medicare to Texas Blue Cross
To execute and not treat fatties from Mississippi…

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Selling Texas Roads to the Highest Bidders'
To 'Texas Carries Out Controversial Execution'
To 'Mississippi Tops Latest Obesity Rankings'
To 'ALEC: Ghostwriter & Lobbyist
    for Red State Legislatures Verses'

To 'Nanny Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'A Primary Challenge for Obama' Verse
To 'They Messed With Texas'
