Romney-Ryan Alliance Up In Smoke

(Democrats pray their Palinesque union is not a joke)

Fire, fire, pants on fire.
Is there hope for Mitt? Nope!
He'll end up like Rick-the-Pope.
Sell by dates expire.
Fate of the Ryan-Romney budget is dire.

Mitt believes, as a Latter Day Saint,
That he's fireproof? Well, he ain't!

To say Obama is not a believer?
At least he is not a self-deceiver
Who insists Mormons should baptize the dead,
Who has let Joseph Smith's zealotry go to his head.

At least women, Latinos and seniors will balk.
Mitt's been so busy placating right wingers.
But to label Paul Ryan's budget as "marvelous"
Surely is one of Mitt's choicest humdingers.

Mitt's against family planning, immigration and Medicare,
Would he really let Social Security live?
Squeeze middle class voters! Tax breaks for the rich!
How many supporters he forgets will forgive?

Bob Carlson

To 'Budget Author, a Romney Ally, Turns Into a Campaign Focus'
To 'Mitt Romney Wins Now, Loses Later'
To 'Etch A Sketch Romney Verses'
To 'Republican Verses'