"Ryan Also Duped That Mayan"

(He wasn't who he seemed he was)

Who misguided that old Mayan?
Who misread his crystal ball?
What made him think Tea Party Ryan
Could win with Mitt and end us all?

Whose pundit was he channeled to?
One shilling for Koch Pay-Per-view?
Mayan's phone was off the hook.
That farce never came to be.
Scalia couldn't sway the FCC.

Apparently Mayan mistook
John Boehner for Tea Party Ryan.
Plan B? The perfect call to end it all
For the Far Right and Friends of Paul.

Was the apocalypse the cliff?
Boehner? Ryan? What's the diff?
Not only are the Mayan's personnel
And doomed dates wrong.
Neither's bungee cord is all that strong,
And's hopefully a mite too long.

Bob Carlson

To 'Mayan Apocalypse: Everything You Wanted to Know
     But Were REALLY Afraid to Ask'