Obama's Gulf War –
Salazar's Last Will & Testament
Notice To Lessees: NTL No.2010-N05

Salazar's newest directive would seem
To welcome more BP explosions offshore,
Albeit with stronger new safety requirements
BP can ignore just as it's done before.

By keeping his MMS honchos in charge
Oil Mafia chiefs can do what they do best:
Drill when and wherever they feel so inclined,
Then pay off Ken's honchos and sleep with the rest.

So where does Ken speak to the time BP's taking
To free up a tanker to handle whatever
Oil they've surprisingly chanced to recover –
A chance Ken's directives had rated as "Never."

Why not be optimistic and require standby tankers?
If nothing else, they could suck up the goo
While BP takes care of the seal population
And whatever is left of the Miami zoo.

That's a short term solution, but thinking ahead,
Pre-emptive relief wells, at least one for each rig,
Are the ultimate answer to drill baby drill
Short of jailing all drillers who don't give a fig

About how long it takes to plug up a spill
As long as that dividend check's in the mail
To provide for the kids and the old folks at home,
And the Goldman Sachs trader with BP for sale.

Bob Carlson

To 'Salazar's MMS Chicanery'
To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'The Spill, The Scandal and the President'
To 'Fire Ken Salazar'
To 'Twenty-four Tankers' verse'
To 'Stop Pumping! Start Drilling!' verse'
To 'U.S. Department of the Interior Press Release'
To 'Increase in inspectors hasn't kept pace'