Obama's Gulf War –
Selling BP Stock Short II
When there isn't enough.

There isn't enough BP stock to sell short
Now they've failed once again to take care of their leak.
Some naked short sellers are beginning to squawk.
With no shares to deliver they'd be up the creek.

How could this happen when always before
BP has successfully flaunted the law.
But now with the EPA fines they're accruing,
Tony Hayward may have to move in with his ma.

Their well could run dry with BP owing billions.
We know their relief well PR is a stall.
How many drill rigs will Transocean squander
On what Tony Hayward announced would be small.

To naked short sellers and naive SEC,
The Holy Grail will be when BP issues
One share of common for each barrel of crude
They leak, don't recover and do not get fined for,
Thus guaranteeing tax payers get screwed.

Bob Carlson

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Closing the Hole in the Gulf'
To 'Naked Short Selling'
To 'BP: The Worst Safety and Environmental Record '
To 'BP still fighting fines from '06 oil spills at Prudhoe Bay'
To 'Civil fine in Gulf spill could be $4,300 barrel'
To 'Tony Hayward, BP CEO: Gulf Oil Spill 'Relatively Tiny''