"Shutting Down Rant Paul's Rants"

(What could his early girlfriends, or the NRA, have spared us?)

"Pols named Paul, away", my boys,
"One, two, three, heave-ho.
Make sure each lying S.O.B.
Is well aware we know

"He's lied to get elected,
And lied so he won't lose.
We're acting now on the behalf
Of voters he'd abuse."

"You lied to virgin girlfriends
About your crystal ball.
So you lying low-life 'godsend',
Will we need drones to end it all?"

(To be sung with Billie Holiday
     to the tune "A Sailboat In The Moonlight" and you)

A fantail in the moonlight
Et tu?
What a perfect setting
For dumping cads like you.

Impalement in a bullfight?
She's awfully glad she hadn't
Planned on wedding you,

But for the chance to do away
With Pauls who say
They're sure someday,
"The presidency's mine."

That tail light on your dune bike…
Have you helped make her day?
How'd she get rid of you?

Bob Carlson
11/28/12 - 2/15/13

To 'Rand Paul On Potential 2016 Presidential Bid'
To 'GOPocalypse: A Guide to Republican Purges'
To 'Karl Rove does US a favor
     in taking on the Tea Party'

To 'More Rant Paul Rants in Rhymed verse'
To 'More About Tea Party Enfants in Rhymed Verse'