Obama's Gulf War –
Snookered Again?
Lord Browne's cost cutting mantra's contagious

Are we about to be snookered again?
Are we so excited with BP's new cap
That we'll agree their new cap is the answer
And let them avoid ever taking the rap?

If the well's not reopened and more oil collected,
The rate it's been gushing may never be known.
What a gift to the BP phalanx of attorneys,
Politicians and judges they already own.

BP has spent millions exploring an oil field
That three months of gushing severely depleted?
Who's kidding whom? Are we dumb or are they?
What would it produce had the well been completed?

Is that why the pressure's not what they expected,
And why there's "no target" to restart the flow?
Are they talking of stopping their costly relief wells?
Would a "bullhead kill" cost them a whole lot less dough?

But what if their cheapie well casing is leaking?
What if their prior "top kill" saw to that?
Please. Not to worry. Bobby's Beach Berm Boondoggle
Was designed by a world famous Gulf bureaucrat.

Bob Carlson

To 'BP Hopeful That Damaged Well Can Stay Closed'
To 'Sand berms a dubious solution'
To 'Photos show vanishing oil berm'
To 'Chandeleur sand berm segment shrinking
       like a wool sweater in hot water!'

To 'Sand berms partially political'
To 'In BP’s Record, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'
To 'Oil & Gas Campaign Contributions'
To 'Judge who overturned drilling moratorium
       reported owning stock in drilling companies'