Snookered By Berger
(Contractor Louis Berger continues to clean Fed clocks)

Were you ever snookered by crooked contractors?
You may well have been by a Berger Group crook.
And although you were, perhaps nobody told you.
With the Feds playing dumb no one's sure what they took.

Take Daddy Warbucks who planned to buy Berger
And the methods they're using for duping the Feds,
Like "You can't convict us of any wrongdoing
Or we'll go out of business. That's what Obama dreads."

Sadly the phrase "got him over a barrel"
Keeps cropping up. Has Obama been had?
Taxpayer dollars for fraudulent contractors?
Is Karzai, or Berger, the granddaddy of bad?

Put them both out of business! The Asp will save Daddy
While Punjab whisks Little Orphan Annie away
Perhaps the Chinese can bail out Louis Berger
And teach them that capitalist crime shouldn't pay.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Firm gets new federal contract despite overbilling probe'
To 'U.S. contractor accused of fraud still winning big Afghan projects'
To 'The Louis Berger Group Still Getting Contracts in Afghanistan '
To 'Louis Berger fraud'
To 'Oliver "Daddy" Warbucks'
To 'Little Orphan Annie: The War Years,'