Obama's Gulf War –
Stalling For Time
Bonnie redux

Let's say you're BP. Which are you more afraid of?
A blownout relief well or a blown 'static kill'?
Each relief well has only one Blowout Preventer.
The 'top kill' has two but one's over the hill.

Did we say 'top kill'? That's from force of habit.
It gets a new billing each time we turn 'round.
If this hurricane season is busy enough,
The Gulf will have become a new name breeding ground.

Some say BP's stalling and they secretly are.
But what started out as a lawyerly thing,
Waiting for Allen to issue a verdict
They could point to as his so his butt's in their sling,

Now it's a case of who'll be on which rig.
Who will the damn fool be who volunteers?
Whoever stuffs first – from the top or the bottom –
Is prob'ly the one whose drill rig disappears.

Which is why you'll hear Suttles, and Dudley, and Wells
Joining Browne and McKay on Weather TV
Taking turns singing and pleading with Heather,
"Weather Channel, please bring back my Bonnie to me."

Bob Carlson

To 'Tension Among Officials Grows as Storm Nears'
To 'BP Top Kill Redux'
To 'Rift Grows Between Government and BP'
To 'Heather Tesch'
To 'My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean'
To 'Gone With The Wind verse'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'