Taking Grover's Sex Pledge
(It works for Dave Vitter. Why not for Democrats?)

Hypocritical Democrats won't take the pledge
Without which Dave Vitter's career would be dead.
Instead Democrats panic knowing somebody's out there
Who might just recall helping them paint the town red.

If so, there's no way they can put enough distance
Between them to keep more shoes from falling.
So why not acknowledge a little night music
Has always been known to go with the calling?

Philandering Vitters don't need to worry.
They know they already have Grover's OK.
The G.A.P., "Grover Approved Prostitutes" list
Is what Grover uses to make risqué passé.

If Democrats used his list of pre approved whores,
They could sit silently by when associates strayed
As long as indulging involved those on the list
So girls in his stable were the ones being paid.

Anthony Weiner's TWITTER Followers list.
Is shorter than Grover's. He's not been at it as long.
But as far as we know his ladies are amateurs.
Is that why he stands accused of getting it wrong?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Among GOP, anti-tax orthodoxy runs deep'
To 'Republicans Calling For Anthony Weiner Resignation
       Backed David Vitter's Reelection'

To 'Nanny Norquist's Pledge Verses'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Congressional Pledgling' Verses'
To 'Eric Cantor's Noise Verses'
To 'Dave Vitter, Whoremonger' Verses'
