Talking While Walking
Reporting on Little Johnny McCain's
continued plea for his Town Hall debate format
while singing Frank Loesser's "I Don't Want To Walk Without You"
(I don't want to walk without you, baby)

John says he won't talk without Obama,
But to talk must walk about Obama.
If there are lecterns both are behind,
We'll think a hole has swallowed him up
Until we find that
Without heels he's up to Cindy's bustline,
But can barely reach Obama's waistline.
So to make up for his lack,
He'll ad lib from the stage
While Obama kneels down front
In deference to age.

Music & Original Lyric by Frank Loesser
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'
To 'Obama's Voting Ploys'