Obama's Gulf War –
Thanking The Drill Baby Driller
For the 75th Annual Louisiana Shrimp & Petroleum Festival

Gulf Oil is something we can't live without
And won't have to although BP lets it run out.
How clever of them to keep leaking until
There's no other well that Transocean can spill.

Though the Gulf itself will in time be oil free,
Its marshes and beaches are where it will be,
And faster to get at than a mile or so under
Where BP et al. found it harder to plunder.

Imagine a Gulf where nobody need worry
How oil from the leak might taste in a shrimp curry.
We'll know! That will be how all curry's prepared.
And to think Landrieu questioned how much BP cared.

Bob Carlson

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Despite Leak, Louisiana Is Still Devoted to Oil'
To 'Mary Landrieu Tops On BP Payroll In Congress'
To 'The 75th Annual Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival'
To 'Transocean Tries to Cut Future Oil-Spill Losses
       to $27 Million'