Obama's Gulf War –
The BP We Know
Cunningly cutting corners for dough

Is British Petroleum King of the Gulf?
Apparently their CEO still thinks so.
Insisting on using their toxic dispersant,
They're poisoning seafood…
Sound like the BP that we've come to know?

That second relief well they've been asked to drill
Suspecting the first one won't know where to go?
Well, they stopped it to cannibalize it for parts
Of its blowout preventer…
Sound like the BP that we've come to know?

They lied when they told us that they were prepared –
There was no way that their deep well could blow.
Yeah, they were prepared to let us assist
With the dire consequences…
Sound like the BP that we've come to know?

They could use their own tankers to suck up the oil,
But they have more profitable places to go
Let Tony Hayward assure us they'll pay for it,
Then legally fight it…
Sounds like the BP that we've come to know!

Bob Carlson

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Closing the Hole in the Gulf'
To 'Dispersing Ain't Cleaning'
To 'BP: The Worst Safety and Environmental Record '
To 'BP still fighting fines from '06 oil spills at Prudhoe Bay'
To 'Civil fine in Gulf spill could be $4,300 barrel'
To 'Tony Hayward, BP CEO: Gulf Oil Spill 'Relatively Tiny''