The Bush-McCain Chain Of Command
The chain sings about pulling out of Iraq
to the Fats Waller favorite "I Can't Give You Anything But Love"
(I can't give you anything but love, Baby)

Bush & McCain:
"We can't tell you when they're gonna leave, lady.
Have to see what Dave's got up his sleeve, lady.
In a while (smirk and smile)
We're sure we'll find
Dave Petraeus happiness:
Three more stars he's always pined for.

"Meanwhile we will claim all's going well, lady.
Gloom and doom have never seemed to sell, lady.
So we'll see what fictions Dave will tell, lady.
We hope he's a guy whom you'll believe."

"I can't say when we'll be pulling out, lady.
When I hear, I'll sure give you a shout, lady.
I've used guile for a while
But still have found
I don't err if I defer
To my Gen'rals-on-the-Ground.

"They're reporting things don't look so good, lady.
I would second guess them if iI could, lady.
For now I recommend you knock on wood, lady.
Much depends on what they choose to tout."

"How should we know when he's coming home, lady?
Like we're told what caused the fall of Rome, lady –
McCain a hero? So was Nero!
Does that help us?
One raised cane while one played fiddle –
Each an ignoramious.

"Who cares how Blackwater messes up, lady?
Or if Halliburton fesses up, lady?
If we could, we'd blow this damn place up, lady –
Only then will some of us get home."

Music by Jimmy McHugh
Original Lyric by Dorothy Fields
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'