"The Heritage Foundation"

(Too much fun)

Too much fun. Too much fun.
The Heritage Foundation will be too much fun.
With DeMint as CEO it's bound to be humdrum
How often do you get a boss who got nothing done?
One who's busy looking busy when he's on the bum?
Too much fun. Too much fun.

Too much fun. Too much fun.
Who never ever dared admit that their proposals suck?
And only just discovered that they'd run out of luck?
Just another overoptimistic, dumb teabagger shmuck?
Too much fun. Too much fun.

Too much fun. Too much fun.
For any true Republicun
Worried that Rand Paul would run,
Or that there's yet another son.
Too much fun. Too much fun.

Too much fun. Too much fun.
Heritage will change its mind,
Its backers be a diff'rent kind,
Whatever kind the boys can find.
Too much fun. Too much fun.

Too much fun. Too much fun.
Loving watching DeMint squirm:
A donkey, not a pachyderm;
Damn awkward for that wiggleworm…
Too, Too, Too, Too. Too much fun!

Bob Carlson

To 'Embarrassing miscommunication sees Jim DeMint
     joining “think” tank'

To 'What Jim DeMint’s resignation says about him,
     the Senate and the conservative movement'

To 'How Jim DeMint Changed the Senate'
To 'Dick Armey Hilariously Blames GOP
     for Tea Party Candidates' Losses in 2012'

To 'Is it game over for Grover Norquist?'
To 'Grover Norquist Sees the Fiscal Cliff and Guns It'
To 'US descending into fiscal farce'
To 'Grover Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'Grover's Pledglings Verses'
To 'Bah, Humbug, Dr. Oz' Verse'
To 'Top US Healthcare Giant:
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