The Lost Art Of Baby Kissing
(Assessing our colorful new Newt)

Blue Dogs kissed butts, but not enough babies.
Boehner's proved far more proficient at both.
Is that the sole reason he's still in the House?
Dumb Blue Dogs all balked at a loyalty oath…

But is Boehner as dumb as Newt was and is?
Have you heard Boehner cited for a brilliant IQ?
No. Most sightings report on his legions of lobbyists
And his rather remarkable cosmetic hue.

What color is it? Cover Girl isn't saying.
It's hard to imagine that they wouldn't know.
Perhaps it's a blend so that when he's embarrassed,
There's no way his embarrassment's going to show.

Who's ever heard of John looking embarrassed?
Lobbyist buddies claim a peck on the cheek
Won't change his color despite whose butt he's kissing.
His crying? Maybe because of his bussing technique…

"Cry and the world will cry with you" is Boehner's mantra,
Accentuated by a sweet "cootchy-coo."
Hey, could it be that when John's kissing babies,
He's ending up smeared with their sweet baby-doo?

Copyright © 11/6/10
Bob Carlson

To 'Tearful Boehner calls election repudiation of Washington'
To 'Gingrich Pledges Government Shutdown'
To 'More about Boehner's Boondoggles in Rhymed Verse
To 'More About Blue Dog Democrats in Rhymed Verse'
