The Red Devil's Tearful Priorities
(Healthcare for John Boehner's Congress)

It seems quite unlikely he's allergic to red.
Haven't we all noticed the Red Devil's hue?
Yet he's willing to let us health insure Congress
But not let his Congress help insure me and you.

But if your family was as large as John Boehner's is,
You, too, might be looking to save a few bucks.
But the way he'll save his is by you spending yours
On Blue Cross and Aetna, and we've seen how that sucks.

Without big contributions like Congressmen get –
Employer assisted, and the employer is us –
It hardly seems fair that we'd pay for Congress's
When Congress is throwing us under the bus.

But it's more important to make sure we're not covered
By Obama healthcare than to try to focus
On job creation and the deficit reduction
We need because of Bush, and his tax cuts that broke us.

Such is the logic of a tearful John Boehner
As he cries all the way to Wall Street's Big Banks,
Loaded with millions in campaign contributions
From the private insurers who're guarding his flanks,

And protecting the Red Devil from counterattacks
As he bends his new rules so no one knows who's done what
Until their next suicidal campaigns
When they foolishly brag about what they have cut.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Health Care for U.S. Congress'
To 'Democrats Plan Attack on Republican Repeal Effort'
To 'The Texas Omen'
To 'Hell, No John Boehner'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
To 'Private Health Insurers'
To 'GOP Bends Its Own New House Rules'
