"The State Department States What?"

(About the state of his pipeline?)

The State Department is saying what about acquifers
     and pipelines?
How long has State been our acquifer protector?
As long as buttinskis like Heather Podesta
Who was paid four hundred K to ignore danger signs

Shouldn't the EPA be having its say?
Aren't they the ones with the real expertise?
Why in the world is Obama susceptible
Again and again to Heather's lobbyist grease?

Are greasy and oily that good a match?
Like when they pollute our pristine acquifers?
Apparently not when you get flames from a faucet.
But four hundred K? Podesta got hers.

Hadn't we better let John Kerry weigh in?
Or aren't his wife's advisors giving this one a spin,
Unlike Susan Rice who struck up the bands
Being heavily invested in the intransit tar sands.

Bob Carlson

To 'Keystone XL: State Department Dodges the Big Questions'
To 'After a Powerful Lobbyist Intervenes,
     EPA Reverses Stance on Polluting Texas County’s Water'

To 'Obama Endorses KXL Pipeline,
     Native Americans Forced to Protest from 'Cage''

To 'The shameful take down of Susan Rice'
To 'More Fracking Obama in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Climate Change & Global Warming in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Embattled EPA in Rhymed Verse'