"This Kitty Is A Must"

(How many ways can he show his love?)

Furry, soft and flexible
In body parts, not plans.
Kitty does what kitty wants
Despite all reprimands.

From a standing start, fantastic
Leaps, I watch in awe.
He turns and smiles that knowing smile,
"Who knows from Newton's Law?"

He pops up on my walker's seat –
Head roll maneuvers, looking sweet –
What's my kitty thinking of?
A ride, of course___
But first a love.

That weight upon my feet at night
When I have crawled in bed?
It's not my dog. He sleeps beside me.
That's kitty's spot___
And why my feet are spread.

I'm never sure what kitty's up to:
Some thing I don't expect.
Almost always something new,
Making sure he and I connect.

Herd a group of kitty cats?
Stuff froggies in a box?
Live without a kitty?___
Burgle places like Fort Knox?

Bob Carlson

To 'More Quality Of Life in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Care of & Cruelty to Animals Verses'