Unemployed Thanks To Mitt Romney?
(Massachusetts Governor or Bain Capital CEO? It hasn't mattered.)

Obama's job stimulus helped thousands find work
Despite red-state governors dragging their feet.
Faced with a national five point three increase,
Romney's gubernatorial one percent? Can't compete.

Was that his best effort? Apparently so.
Creating new jobs was never Romney's forté.
Mitt made his millions acquiring and firing.
As Bain's CEO Mitt got them any which way.

Bain Capital bought firms to increase short term earnings
In order to borrow enormous amounts
To pay itself dividends as long as it could.
Who was it that said closing factories counts?

Leveraged buyouts with thousands of layoffs,
And offshore tax havens – how could they go wrong?
If Mitt becomes president to lower their taxes,
They'll let those bumps in the road just bump along.

Tax breaks for the rich? So how many's Mitt hired?
A gardener, a chauffeur and a cute campaign staff,
And most important of all a great campaign secretary.
But we've seen how that's gone. He still can't get a laugh.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Yes, Romney Could Lose'
To 'Could Romney's Attack on Obama's Jobs Record Backfire?'
To 'A day of awkwardness with Mitt Romney'
To 'Unemployed Mitt "You're Fired" Romney Verses'
To 'Mitt Romney Airbrushes His Bain Capital Record'
