We Should All Be Thankful SCOTUS Doesn't Matter

(To be sung to the tune "We Must All Be Very Kind to Auntie Jessie")

We must all be very kind to Judge Scalia.
It's not been easy governing with eight.
But not admitting Clarence was deceased,
Is hardly playing fair to say the least.

But majorities 'decided' by a mummy
Pay tribute to the art of taxidermy.
For years Scalia managed with the dummy,
And, unlike mummies, dummies rarely end up wormy.

By any chance was Clarence the exception?
Did Judge Scalia switch because of worms?
Well, like SCOTUS, it no longer matters
They never really were on speaking terms.

Original Lyric & Music by Noel Coward
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Exclusive Poll: Americans Think Politics
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To 'Scalia: Reading entire health care law
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To 'Men in Black - By MAUREEN DOWD' (at her best)
To 'Judicial activists in the Supreme Court'
To 'Lazy Scalia's SCOTUS Verses'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby Verses'
To 'Republican Verses'