"Where'll Mitt Stash It Now?"

(Sandy provides us with a Mitt sample)

Whole lot of water,
More than it ought'er –
How grotesque:
We wonder where'd Mitt stash it,
Where'll Mitt stash it now?

Your guv'ner bought 'im,
Now you've got 'im –
Why forlorn?
FEMA's gone…
You'll wonder where's Mitt stashed it,
Where they've stashed it now?

No use to holler,
"Where's my tax dollar?"
To the Caymans?
Say your Amens…
You'll wonder where'll they'll stash it,
Where'll Mitt stash it now?

Bob Carlson

To 'Romney FEMA Flap'
To 'Where the Money Lives'
To 'How Mitt would turn America into one big Pottersville. '
To 'Willard 'Scissorhands' Romney Verses'