Where Are You, Maureen?
The Widow Withington offers to help

"You readers of The Times Op-Ed,
    Maureen is 'off today.'
With all that's wrong with Geithner
    has she nothing more to say?

"If she's too busy partying
    to drop us all a note,
Let's hope he's not Republican
    nor, like Rush, too fat to vote.

"Maureen, what's wrong with hinting
    Timmy's friendly with John Mack,
The Morgan Stanley broker who'd
    help naked shorts fight back?

"That's not the same as saying
    he'd sell stock he can't deliver,
For which, if he were guilty,
    he'd have been sent up the river.

"Or if he is, he's not been caught.
    The SEC's made no such claim,
Although we know they seldom do, and
    from what they've done, can't aim.

"That they got our cousin, Bernie,
    who's been trundled off to jail,
Doesn't mean, Maureen, The Widow
    has no new news for sale."

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Naked Short Selling Verses'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'
To 'Withington Verses'