Which Lame Ducks?
(Who'll fight or join Mitch's Hatfield-McCoys?)

When liberals criticize Lame Duck Obama,
Some forget that he's quacked and cracked right from the start.
He's been less effective than "Say No" McConnell.
With Mitch party discipline's a science, not art.

Blue Dogs and New Democrats constantly hamper
Barack, but Tea Partiers don't fool with Mitch.
Obama's determined to keep his rebels happy,
But argue with Mitch and guess who he'll ditch.

Mitch has one goal in life. That's to "take down" Obama.
For Obama? Conceding is bipartisanship.
He'd rather cave in and claim they've agreed
Than pull rank on his turncoats as a bargaining chip.

Don't expect vetos, just internal dissent.
Somehow he still thinks that he has to play nice.
That isn't a game his opponents believe in.
They're obsessed with winning, no matter the price.

Sadly for us theirs is Mitch's agenda:
Power for his clans; anarchy for the rest.
Mitch is following Kentucky tradition:
He teams Hatfields with McCoys and prays for incest.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The New Democrats: The Coalition Pharma and Wall Street Love'
To 'New Democrat Coalition Loses Big in Midterms'
To 'Stop Playing Nice, Mr. President'
To 'All the President’s Captors'
To 'Blue Dog Democrats'
To 'The New Democrat Coalition'
To 'Short Term Obama'
To 'Mitch Just Say No'
