Obama's Gulf War –
Who's In Control??
Teaparty worries?

Why should we care about bayous and beaches
If Louisianans don't give a damn?
Drill Baby Drill is still Landrieu's philosophy
Till worst comes to worst and they need Uncle Sam.

Who cares if Ken Salazar can't limit waivers
He's granted with little thought given the risks?
Why not fire employees who processed those waivers
Instead of repeatedly trying tsk tsks?

EPA has no say. BP's toxic dispersants,
If banned at all, will be banned much too late.
Betcha the FDA's no way of testing
To see which dispersants dead shrimp tasters ate.

Drill moratorium cries from Obama
Are clues that he never has been in control.
He's still a patsy for more off-shore drilling
From north of Alaska all the way to Woods Hole.

Bob Carlson

To 'EPA Whistleblower Accuses Agency of Covering Up
       Effects of Dispersant in BP Oil Spill Cleanup'

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Despite Leak, Louisiana Is Still Devoted to Oil'
To 'BP refuses EPA order to switch'
To 'Despite Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead'
To 'The 75th Annual Louisiana Shrimp and Petroleum Festival'
To 'EPA's Jackson'