Who Doesn't Love Me?

 (*revised to win the women's vote)
(Mitt, the extremist, would private eyes the Secret Service)

"I am so likeable. Who doesn't love me?
On top of that I am so stinkin' rich,
I'll have my own Secret Service
Who won't sleep at the switch.
*(As Mormons we'd draw straws to see who'd marry which.)

"You work for me and think you need protection,
You hire your own. Those G-men are fired.
Private mini mililitas won't be that expensive
For any of the 1% I'll see are hired.
With my bandito bloodlines who won't be inspired?

"In Tampa, with their gun laws, we'll have a dry run.
Prospective executives will join in the fun.
We'll see if hated incumbents like McConnell and Hatch
Can squeeze enough friends to come up with the scratch,
Or will just burn in Hell. Who's got a match?"

Bob Carlson

To 'Romney's past is more a working class zero'
To 'G.O.P Tampa Tantrum'
To 'Paul Ryan's Etch A Sketch Romney Verses'
To 'Scandal ousts three Secret Service personnel'
To 'Mitch-Just-Say-No-McConnell Verses'
To 'Creepy Orrin Hatch Verses'
To 'Mitt Romney’s Mormonism '
To 'Why Is the Secret Service
     Still Protecting Newt Gingrich?'