Who Paid Standard & Poor's?
( Their credibility is gone. So is Rant Paul's)

Who paid S & P to say what they "thought"?
Who thought they'd be credible? Why are they still here?
Why weren't they closed down when they first screwed up?
Who needs them to tell Rant his head's up his rear?

Tea Party rallies face dwindling attendance
As the public sees toilets are what Rant's all about.
But if Rant filibusters an increase in the debt,
S & P's iPad projects a final sellout.

The Hatfields and McCoys will make the arrangements.
It wouldn't be that long before he was gone.
Why should one person be allowed to wreck havoc?
How much better to need a new Senate walk-on.

But when can we cure Wall Street of Standard & Poor's?
Were they pressured again by big banks running scared?
Can they frighten both parties into reacting
To make sure another bank bailout's prepared?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Democrats, Republicans See Clashing Debt Views
       Bolstered by S&P Revision'

To 'Moody’s, S&P Caved In to Ratings Pressure
       From Goldman, UBS Over Mortgages'

To 'Rating Agencies'
To 'Let There Be Light Bulbs'
To 'The Two-Holer'
To 'Rand Paul Threatens To Filibuster Budget Deal'
To 'Rant Paul Rants'
To 'Bush League Bankers'
