Will Big Brother Get Even?
(Mitch 'Just-Say No' had better beware)

Wikileaks is off limits to government workers.
Big Brother is watching so they'd better not be.
Don't Ask, Don't Tell is now Don't Surf, View or Read
Whatever it is Mitch is not cleared to see.

The U.S. Armed Forces were the first to complain.
They've a lot going on they don't want us to know.
But their very own people? Talk about paranoid…
Restricting their surfing? Saying where they can go?

That's nearly as bad reading their e-mails.
Whatever happened to the concept of trust?
Look how Obama trusts 'Say-No' McConnell,
How they're both cutting taxes for the Upper Crust.

Obama is hoping they'll spend what he saves them.
That isn't where 'Say No' hopes they'll stash their haul.
Mitch counts on them lavishing his GOP with
Massive donations two years from now in the Fall.

Meanwhile Big Brother could watch what he downloads,
For McConnell, too's, in Big Brother's employ.
And if Kyle gets Big Brother to classify porn,
Guess whose Big Brother becomes a killjoy.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Obama: On the way to a failed presidency'
To 'Don’t Look, Don’t Read: Government Warns
       Its Workers Away From WikiLeaks Documents'

To 'U.S. Military BANNED from reading Wikileaks'
To 'In Deal With G.O.P., Portent for Next 2 Years'
To 'Short Term Obama'
To 'Mitch Just Say No'
