Will Johnny Switch Scams?
Little Johnny McCain can't make up his mind
while singing "I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan"
(…I should have realized there'd be another man!.)

Again I guess perhaps I'll switch.
I've been so wrong so many times that it's a bitch!
I never think things through completely,
Then bang, out of thin air, a glitch.

How could I know that Wendy Gramm
And husband Phil would spawn a bill that was a scam?
But speculation in oil has entered a stage
Where I'm warned to show more outrage.
So I guess we'll lease Long Island Sound
To those family fronts Phil found.

How long before gas prices change?
Before Connecticut sees derricks at close range?
Or Lieberman befriends Obama?
Or they close The New York Stock Exchange?

Brazilian ethanol may offer hope
If Bushie cared or even dared to try to cope.
But that change would fuel the outrage
Of Southern Sugar Barons in our Subsidy Age.
So will we foil or fuel the scam
Of Senator and Wendy Gramm?

Music by Arthur Schwartz
Original Lyric by Howard Dietz
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'